[Spedas-list] Two upcoming SPEDAS Webex presentations
Jim Lewis
jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu
Wed Aug 10 18:51:56 CDT 2016
The SPEDAS development team would like to invite you to participate in
two Webex presentations we'll be holding later this month.
On August 24, at 10am Pacific time, we'll be hosting a tutorial,
live demo, and Q & A session on the SPEDAS software package and
its capabilities.
The following week, August 31 at 10am Pacific, we'll be hosting
another session focusing on using SPEDAS to analyze MMS data.
The MMS session will assume some familiarity with SPEDAS, so
those who haven't used SPEDAS before might want to consider
participating in both sessions.
If there are any particular questions or topics of general interest
that you'd like to see covered in either session, please send
your suggestions to Jim Lewis, jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu, and we'll
try to work them in.
See below for agendas and Webex connection info.
-- Jim Lewis
Session 1, Aug 24: SPEDAS general tutorial and live demo
Webex details:
URL: https://uclaigpp.webex.com/uclaigpp
Time: August 24 @10AM Pacific Daylight Time (scheduled for 2hrs)
Meeting name = SPEDAS webinar
Password = goSP3D at S
Phone to use: 1-888-921-8686
Conference ID/pass = 3107947090 and press #
International callers dial: 001-678-259-1049
Tentative agenda:
SPEDAS overview and general concepts: Missions supported,
local and remote data repositories, load routines, data analysis
and manipulation routines, tplot variables, plotting data, GUI
Simple examples of using the command line to load data.
Examples of how to access or modify the underlying data and metadata for
tplot variables
Plotting data with tplot (both line plots and spectrograms); changing
tplot options
Command line data manipulation routines: coordinate transformations,
support data, data manipulation, use of the 'calc' routine to operate
directly on tplot variables, crib sheets
How to start the SPEDAS GUI; how to import and plot existing tplot
Loading data via the SPEDAS GUI: missions with SPEDAS plugins can
be loaded via "Load Data" panel, other missions available via generic
"Load Data from CDAWeb" panel.
Plotting in the SPEDAS GUI; how to change GUI plot options
Data processing and analysis in the GUI: Data Analysis panel,
summary plots, ISEE 3D tool, 'Calculate' panel
Exporting GUI plots to postscript files for further editing or
inclusion in papers.
Session 2, Aug 31: Processing MMS data with SPEDAS
Time: August 31, 10am-12pm Pacific Daylight Time
URL: https://uclaigpp.webex.com/uclaigpp
Meeting name = MMS Plug-ins webinar
Password = R3c0nnect!
Phone to use: 1-888-921-8686
Conference ID/pass = 3107947090 and press #
International callers dial: 001-678-259-1049
Tentative agenda:
1) Introduction to FPI, HPCA load routines, standard keywords
2) Loading and Plotting the Particle Data
3) Spectra from the Particle Distributions
4) Particle Slices (2D/3D slices)
5) Questions
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