[Spedas-list] Another GEM tutorial: PySPEDAS for IDL users, Thursday 6/15

Jim Lewis jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu
Tue Jun 6 23:01:35 UTC 2023

The SPEDAS development team would like to invite you to an in-person
tutorial session on
"PySPEDAS for IDL users" at the upcoming GEM Summer Workshop in San Diego,

The tutorial will take place in the Coast Ballroom on Thursday, June 15,
starts at 3:30 PM,
and is expected to last approximately 1.5 hours.

Topics to be discussed include suggestions for getting started and setting
up a Python
environment for PySPEDAS, a PySPEDAS feature overview, comparisons of
similar workflows in IDL SPEDAS versus PySPEDAS, and a roadmap for future
planned enhancements to PySPEDAS.

We hope to see you there!


-- Jim Lewis
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