From jwl at Sat Jan 27 00:43:07 2024 From: jwl at (Jim Lewis) Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2024 16:43:07 -0800 Subject: [Spedas-list] SPEDAS 6.0 now available! Message-ID: The SPEDAS development team is pleased to announce the release of SPEDAS version 6.0! We encourage all SPEDAS users who are still using older releases to upgrade to SPEDAS 6.0 (or a current nightly zip file) as soon as possible. The installation instructions, source code, IDL save files, and precompiled virtual machine executables for Mac, Linux, and Windows are all available for download from the SPEDAS web site: Please email questions, bug reports, help requests, and enhancement suggestions to SPEDAS_Science_Support at The SPEDAS software development has been supported by NASA contracts NAS5-02099 (THEMIS mission), NNG17PZ01C (SPEDAS general development), and NNG04EB99C (MMS sub-contract). We would also like to thank the many software developers and SPEDAS users who have supported the development effort by contributing code, reporting problems, and suggesting enhancements. Here is a brief summary of some of the changes since SPEDAS 5.0 was released in Spring 2022: *SPEDAS GUI* ? Added support for TA16 model to Magnetic Field Models panel ? Improved support for high resolution displays *Analysis Tools and Utilities* ? Added support for GEOPACK TA16 model ? Improvements and bug fixes to CDF reader ? Added, Simone di Matteo?s tool for power spectrum analysis using the Multi Taper Method ? Bug fixes and improvements to wavpol wave polaraization analysis ? Updated SPICE kernels for leap seconds and spacecraft ephemerides ? Added new tplot utilities tmean, deriv2_data, tprint_multiaxis ? Bug fix for deriv_data utility *Plotting* ? Improved support for managing color maps and line colors *Plugins* ? Updated support for loading data via CDAWeb ? New version of the ERG plugin from the Arase team ? Updated URLs for several data providers ? Numerous incremental improvements and bug fixes to THEMIS, MMS, Parker Solar Probe, MAVEN, ELFIN, VEX, and MEX plugins *Crib Sheets* ? Added more crib sheets for GEOPACK field models ? Added crib sheet for spd_mtm ? Added crib for plotting contours on tplot spectral data -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: