Both the IDL spedas and the python pyspedas contain routines for coordinate transformations in the following systems: GSE, GSM, SM, GEI, GEO, MAG, J2000.
Below, we compare IDL code to python code using some of these cotrans functions.
Basic cotrans functions
Use the basic cotrans functions to compute the direction of Earth's magnetic axis in GEO, using the IGRF model, and some other vectors.
; Compile contrans library cotrans_lib ; Define some data d = [[245.0, -102.0, 251.0], [775.0, 10.0, -10], [121.0, 545.0, -1.0], [304.65, -205.3, 856.1], [464.34, -561.55, -356.22]] ; Define times t = [1577112800, 1577308800, 1577598800, 1577608800, 1577998800] t0 = time_string(t) t1 = time_struct(t0) print, t0 ; Compute direction of Earth's magnetic axis in GEO, using the IGRF model. cdipdir_vect,transpose(t1.year[*]),transpose(t1.doy[*]),gd1,gd2,gd3 print, gd1,gd2,gd3 ; Compute sun direction in GEI system. csundir_vect,transpose(t1.year[*]),transpose(t1.doy[*]),transpose(t1.hour[*]),transpose(t1.min[*]),transpose(t1.sec[*]),gst,slong,sra,sdec,obliq print,gst,slong,sra,sdec,obliq ; Compute GEI to GSE transformation. tgeigse_vect,transpose(t1.year[*]),transpose(t1.doy[*]),transpose(t1.hour[*]),transpose(t1.min[*]),transpose(t1.sec[*]),transpose(d[0, *]),transpose(d[1, *]),transpose(d[2, *]),xgse,ygse,zgse print,xgse,ygse,zgse ; Compute GSE to GSM transformation. tgsegsm_vect,transpose(t1.year[*]),transpose(t1.doy[*]),transpose(t1.hour[*]),transpose(t1.min[*]),transpose(t1.sec[*]),transpose(d[0, *]),transpose(d[1, *]),transpose(d[2, *]),xgsm,ygsm,zgsm print,xgsm,ygsm,zgsm
IDL results:
IDL> print, t0 2019-12-23/14:53:20 2019-12-25/21:20:00 2019-12-29/05:53:20 2019-12-29/08:40:00 2020-01-02/21:00:00 IDL> print, gd1,gd2,gd3 0.0486864 0.0486846 0.0486811 0.0486811 0.0486776 -0.156116 -0.156111 -0.156101 -0.156101 -0.156091 0.986538 0.986539 0.986541 0.986541 0.986542 IDL> print,gst,slong,sra,sdec,obliq 5.50119 0.944179 3.24176 3.97097 0.994296 4.73823 4.77856 4.83825 4.84031 4.92061 4.74045 4.78439 4.84933 4.85157 4.93861 -0.408904 -0.408101 -0.405626 -0.405513 -0.399712 0.409047 0.409047 0.409047 0.409047 0.409047 IDL> print,xgse,ygse,zgse 0.0618591 45.9846 -480.516 -112.061 738.670 245.080 773.652 182.717 321.559 318.591 270.862 -13.1524 -217.683 867.127 -103.484 IDL> print,xgsm,ygsm,zgsm 245.000 775.000 121.000 304.650 464.340 -83.8585 11.7033 545.000 -118.216 -460.356 257.629 -7.93938 0.929342 872.399 -479.899
Python code: pySPEDAS
from cotrans_lib import * d = [[245.0, -102.0, 251.0], [775.0, 10.0, -10], [121.0, 545.0, -1.0], [304.65, -205.3, 856.1], [464.34, -561.55, -356.22]] t = [1577112800, 1577308800, 1577598800, 1577608800, 1577998800] a = cdipdir_vect(t) b = csundir_vect(t) gse = tgeigse_vect(t, d) gsm = tgsegsm_vect(t, d)
a Out[2]: (array([0.04868638, 0.04868462, 0.0486811 , 0.0486811 , 0.04867761]), array([-0.15611589, -0.15611097, -0.15610113, -0.15610113, -0.15609089]), array([0.98653812, 0.98653899, 0.98654072, 0.98654072, 0.98654251])) b Out[3]: (array([5.50118781, 0.94417896, 3.24175902, 3.9709706 , 0.9942959 ]), array([4.73823063, 4.77856341, 4.83825495, 4.84031354, 4.92060693]), array([4.74044499, 4.78438591, 4.84932932, 4.85156629, 4.93861416]), array([-0.40890358, -0.40810141, -0.40562582, -0.40551314, -0.39971157]), array([0.4090472 , 0.40904719, 0.40904716, 0.40904716, 0.40904714])) gse Out[4]: (array([ 6.17328386e-02, 4.59847513e+01, -4.80515919e+02, -1.12061112e+02, 7.38670168e+02]), array([245.07961052, 773.65200071, 182.71689404, 321.55872916, 318.59101371]), array([ 270.86155264, -13.15235508, -217.68322895, 867.12698798, -103.48369801])) gsm Out[5]: (array([245. , 775. , 121. , 304.65, 464.34]), array([ -83.85842685, 11.70325822, 545.00012517, -118.21614302, -460.35592829]), array([ 257.6291215 , -7.93937951, 0.92928139, 872.39913086, -479.89947926]))
Transform data from MAG to GEO.
Python code: pySPEDAS
Daisy chain transformations.
Both IDL and python contain the following functions for transformations between coordinate systems:
subGSM2SM, subSM2GSM
subGEI2J2000, subJ20002GEI
These functions can be daisy chained.