GOES Rules of the Road
The GOES 8-15 X-ray, magnetic field, and particle data are produced in real time by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) and are distributed by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC). GOES 8-12 and GOES 13-15 are two different series of the GOES spacecraft, and the instrumentation is somewhat different in each series. The GOES 8-12 instruments are described by the papers listed below. More details on GOES 13-15 will be provided later. Engineering and calibration documents are available at: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/satellite/goes/documentation.html.
- For GOES-8 magnetometer data, a correction needs to be applied for the known 7 nT systematic offset from the Z component in spacecraft coordinates according to Tsyganenko et al., 2003. One needs to subtract 7 nT from the values provided for Hp, at least for the time intervals studied in this paper.
While quality checking and background removal are performed by the real-time algorithms, some artifacts are still present in these data. Known artifacts include: backgrounds in HEPAD and EPEAD, solar proton contamination in EPEAD electrons, cross-species contamination in MAGED and MAGPD; in-flight calibrations in the FGM fields expressed in the spacecraft coordinate frame, and absolute accuracy knowledge in the FGM; Bremsstrahlung from energetic particles and saturation in the XRS. Current XRS products have a known multiplicative error that must be compensated for when these data are used for science. For more information on the instruments and data, please contact the following NOAA scientists:
- Rodney Viereck (SWPC, rodney.viereck at noaa.gov), Janet Machol (NGDC, janet.machol at noaa.gov)
- Howard Singer (SWPC, howard.singer at noaa.gov), Rob Redmon (NGDC, rob.redmon at noaa.gov)
- Terry Onsager (SWPC, terry.onsager at noaa.gov), Juan Rodriguez (NGDC, juan.rodriguez at noaa.gov)
- Acknowledgements
- When using these data, please acknowledge NOAA as follows: 'The GOES 8-15 X-ray / magnetic field / particle data are produced in real time by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) and are distributed by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).'