Main Page

Welcome to SPEDAS
Here you can find information and documentation for the Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software (SPEDAS) framework. The first release of SPEDAS is expected in Spring 2014.
SPEDAS is a grass-roots data analysis software for the Space Physics community. It supports multi-mission data ingestion, analysis and visualization. It standardizes the retrieval of data from distributed repositories, the scientific processing with a powerful set of legacy routines, the quick visualization with full output control and the graph creation for use in papers and presentations.
The SPEDAS framework:
- Contains a Graphical User Interface for ease of use by novice users.
- Works with Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
- Is based on IDL, benefiting from platform independence and software maintenance services.
- Can be used with or without an IDL license.
SPEDAS supports plugin modules for multiple projects (THEMIS, GOES, WIND, ERG, etc) and provides interfaces for software modules developed by the individual teams of those missions.
SPEDAS is concerned mostly with establishing developers' guidelines, communicating best practices, and providing peer review of new products to like-minded colleagues, towards an efficient space environment data analysis suite of software code.
* SPEDAS Youtube Channel - SPEDAS introductory videos * SPEDAS Screenshots - SPEDAS screenshots * Introductory Examples - Examples for first-time users
* Installation - SPEDAS download and installation * User's Guide - Documentation for users * Developer's Guide - Documentation for developers * Plugin Guide - Documentation for plugin developers * Crib Sheets - Step-by-step usage scenarios * Tips and Tricks - SPEDAS tips and tricks * Wish List - Wish list and roadmap for future development * Data Model - Description of the data model used in SPEDAS * Time Handling - Description of how times are used in SPEDAS * Missions - List of supported missions/projects pages.
External Resources
* SPEDAS Blog - SPEDAS Developer Blog and Announcements * TDAS software - TDAS software from the THEMIS mission web site * TDAS functions - TDAS 8.0 library documentation * Overview Plots - Summary plots generated with SPEDAS * IDL Documentation - IDL Documentation by Exelis * Wiki User's Guide - Information on using the wiki software.