MMS Fly's Eye Energetic Particle Sensor
SPEDAS provides command line and GUI access to the MMS FEEPS data.
Prior to using these data, please read the FEEPS Release Notes:
For more complete examples, see the FEEPS crib sheets located in the /mms/examples/ folder.
Electron Data
To load and plot the MMS1 FEEPS electron data on March 7, 2016:
MMS> mms_load_feeps, datatype='electron', trange=['2016-02-15', '2016-02-16'], probe=1, datarate='srvy'
MMS> tplot, 'mms1_epd_feeps_electron_intensity_omni_spin'
MMS1 FEEPS electron omni spin data on February 15, 2016
Ion Data
To load and plot the MMS1 FEEPS electron data on March 7, 2016:
MMS> mms_load_feeps, datatype='ion', trange=['2016-02-15', '2016-02-16'], probe=1, datarate='srvy'
MMS> tplot, 'mms1_epd_ion_electron_intensity_omni_spin'
MMS1 FEEPS ion omni spin data on February 15, 2016