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GOES overview plot, March 17, 2013


SPEDAS provides command-line and GUI access for loading, processing and analyzing GOES space physics data. The GOES data is made available by the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).

To check the data availability for a specific GOES spacecraft/instrument on a certain day, use the data availability tool:

GOES Data Availability

GOES Space Environment Monitor

GOES SEM Data Notes

GOES-15 summary plot - 14 days

GOES-15 summary plot - 108 days

GOES 8-12 Data

For a full description of the GOES 8-12 instruments and their data products, see the GOES 8-12 databook


Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM)

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2008-03-22', '2008-03-23'], datatype='fgm', probes='12', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g12_H_enp'

Energetic Particle Sensor (EPS)

Load and plot the 1-min averaged 2.4MeV proton flux as measured by the EPS instrument onboard GOES-12 on March 22, 2008:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2008-03-22', '2008-03-23'], datatype='eps', probes='12', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g12_prot_2.4MeV_flux'

We can also plot the integral flux of electrons at 0.5 MeV:

SPEDAS> tplot, 'g12_elec_0.6MeV_iflux'

X-ray Sensor (XRS)

To load and plot the 1-min averaged X-ray flux as measured by the XRS instrument onboard GOES-10 on March, 22, 2008:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2008-03-22', '2008-03-23'], datatype='xrs', probes='10', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g10_xrs_avg'

GOES 13-15 Data

To check the current status of the GOES 13-15 data, see GOES 13-15 status

For a full description of the GOES 13-15 instruments and their data products, see the GOES 13-15 databook


Fluxgate Magnetometer (FGM)

Load and plot 1-min averaged data for both FGM sensors on GOES-15 for the day of March 17, 2013:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2013-03-17', '2013-03-18'], datatype='fgm', probes='15', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g15_H_enp_*'

Magnetospheric Electron Detector (MAGED)

Load and plot 1-min averaged, corrected (for deadtimes) flux of 40keV electrons measured by the MAGED instrument on GOES-15 for the day of March 17, 2013:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2013-03-17', '2013-03-18'], datatype='maged', probes='15', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, ['g15_maged_40keV_dtc_cor_flux', 'g15_maged_75keV_dtc_cor_flux']

To calculate the pitch angles corresponding to each MAGED telescope head (FGM data must be loaded):

SPEDAS> goes_lib ; compile the GOES library routines
SPEDAS> goes_pitch_angles, 'g15_H_enp_1', 'g15_HT_1', prefix = 'g15'
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g15_pitch_angles'
GOES-15 pitch angles, March 17, 2013

Magnetospheric Proton Detector (MAGPD)

Load and plot the 95 keV proton flux from the MAGPD instrument onboard GOES-15 for the day of March 17, 2013:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2013-03-17', '2013-03-18'], datatype='magpd', probes='15', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g15_magpd_95keV_dtc_cor_flux'

Electron, Proton, Alpha Detector (EPEAD)

Load and plot the 2.5MeV, uncorrected proton flux as observed by the GOES-15 EPEAD instrument for the day of March 17, 2013:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2013-03-17', '2013-03-18'], datatype='epead', probes='15', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g15_prot_2.5MeV_uncor_flux'

High Energy Proton and Alpha Detector (HEPAD)

Load and plot the 375MeV proton flux as observed by the GOES-15 HEPAD instrument for the day of March 17, 2013:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2013-03-17', '2013-03-18'], datatype='hepad', probes='15', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g15_hepadp_375MeV_flux'

X-ray Sensor (XRS)

Load and plot the X-rays measured by the GOES-15 XRS instrument for the day of March 17, 2013:

SPEDAS> goes_load_data, trange=['2013-03-17', '2013-03-18'], datatype='xrs', probes='15', /avg_1m
SPEDAS> tplot, 'g15_xrs_avg'


GOES Space Environment Monitor at NGDC

GOES Data Availability

GOES 8-12 Databook

GOES 13-15 Databook

GOES SEM Data Notes