The SPEDAS development team is pleased to announce the release of SPEDAS version 5.0!
SPEDAS 5.0 contains several significant updates to the interface to the GEOPACK magnetic field modeling library, including newly added support for the TA15B and TA15N field models and supporting routines.
The SPEDAS GUI has been updated to greatly improve its appearance and usability on both smaller displays, and larger high-resolution displays under a variety of OS display configuration options.
New plugins have been added to support downloads of the British Antarctic Survay magnetometer data set, for the SOSMAG geosynchronous magnetometer data set, and for downloading Cluster data directly from the Cluster Science Archive.
Many other plugins, including MMS, ERG, IUGONET, and ELFIN, have been updated to the latest available code from their respective developers.
A more detailed list of changes implemented since the release of SPEDAS 4.1 is available in the SPEDAS 5.0 release notes:
We encourage all SPEDAS users who are still using older releases to upgrade to SPEDAS 5.0 (or a current nightly zip file) as soon as possible. The installation instructions, source code, IDL save files, and precompiled virtual machine executables for Mac, Linux, and Windows are all available for download from the SPEDAS web site:
Please email questions, bug reports, help requests, and enhancement suggestions to
The SPEDAS software development has been supported by NASA contracts NAS5-02099 (THEMIS mission), NNG17PZ01C
(SPEDAS general development), and NNG04EB99C (MMS sub-contract). We would also like to thank the many software developers and SPEDAS users who have supported the development effort by contributing code, reporting problems, and suggesting enhancements.